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I Know What You Did Last Summer (Lois Duncan Thrillers), by Lois Duncan

Bücher Herunterladen I Know What You Did Last Summer (Lois Duncan Thrillers), by Lois Duncan
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Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Lois Duncan is an acclaimed suspense author for young adults. She has published nearly 50 books for children, including I Know What You Did Last Summer, which was adapted into a highly-successful horror film, and Who Killed My Daughter?, a non-fiction book about the harrowing experience of her daughter's murder.
Taschenbuch: 224 Seiten
Verlag: Brown Books; Auflage: Revised (5. Oktober 2010)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 031609899X
ISBN-13: 978-8723905222
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 12 Jahren
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 1,9 x 21 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.4 von 5 Sternen
21 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 600 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Sehr spannendes und mit Schulenglisch (Klasse 8) zu verstehende Buch (Krimi und Jugendbuch).Hat meine Tochter (14) in wenigen Stunden "verschlungen".
Just right for third year English learners.Touches everyday problems that teenagers have:wrong friends, peer pressure, fear of losing status.The main message:It is better to stand up for what you have done and be honest about mistakes you have made - don't try to cover them up!
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CAREFUL: There might be SPOILERS in the review.by TeelkeKilling or not? That is the question.The book "I know what you did last summer" deals with the story of four American teenagers - Julie, Ray, Barry and Helen. These four and their secret about what they did last summer is the topic of the story - and that someone found out about the secret...Slowly but surely this "someone" does things to the four kids, but they don't know who it is. Until the final ending, when we know if this revenge would be sucessful.The story is really not predictable, the book gives you many different clues about who the mysterious "someone" is. Until the last chapters you don't know him.Besides it's a realistic and exciting story, not boring school stuff.It is fun to read it and after some time you really want to know the ending, so you keep reading and don't want to put it away.The language is easy to understand, and there are no big problems with it. Vocabulary is sometimes given, but sometimes even easy words like "bomb" are explained.All in all this is a pretty good book. The story is interesting and keeps you reading. So you won't regret reading it!-----------------------------------by JannaWhy jail when you can kill?The book "I know what you did last summer", written by Lois Duncan, is about four teenagers, who had an accident last summer, when a little boy, David Gregg, died.Because the teenies, Barry - who drove the car - Ray, Julie and Helen ran away, they made a pact to tell nobody about what had happened.And on day they get messages... and one of the kids gets shot.In the end the writer of the messages gets arrested because he wanted to kill the four teenagers.The book is perfect for students in the 7th or 8th grade. Vocabulary is often explained, in English, so you can easily understand everything. But you needn't look up other words, because the context is no problem.This teenie-book is really exciting, because it often gives clues about the sender of the messages. So the tension is always maintained.But there are also negative aspects: Even the easy vocabulary, like "funny" is explained.All in all the book is really great for students - there is suspense all the time and the reader wants to read on. It'' really good to read... although in the end there is not much action anymore.-------------------------------by TobiasThe book "I know what you did last summer"m written by Lois Duncan, edited by Philip Hewitt and illustrated by Karen Borch, from the year 1973, deals with four teens who have a secret because they did something bad in the past, having driven over a little child called David Gregg, who dies.The book is about 110 pages.The main characters are Julie James, Helen Rivers, Barry Cox and Ray Bronson. In the night of David Gregg'' death, they made a pact, so that nobody would ever find out about what had happened. But that isn's so easy.Suddenly another character appears in the story. Bud. Or is it Collie?The storyline is all in all very exciting and because of the mysterious pact of the children there is a great suspense because you really want to know how it goes on.The whole thing is about that someone (Bud? Collie?) knows about the events of last summer, and he is not happy about that. The book is a great adventure for readers who like stories with mysterious puzzles. It's also interesting if you are interested in love stories.The ending doesn't really touch the reader and is too abrupt. The main scenes is over after a few moments.Personally this is not my favourite book.---------------------------------by SiljaThe book "I know what you did last summer" is written by Lois duncan and tells about the story of four teenagers who see the consequences of a terrible accident they are responsible for. The story takes place in America. The teenagers start a new life after the accident and want to forget about what they did: Helen Rivers starts thanks to her good looks a career at a local TV station and is in a relationship with football hero Barry Cox, who starts his stueids at the local university. His best friend Ray Bronson is at the beginning together with Julie James and goes then, after the accident, to California. Julia was a cheerleader, but she gave it up after the accident to have more time for studying.All of them have to deal with mysterious things.The book is baded on vocabulary of 1200 words, perfect for young adults. It is easy to read and the action is interesting and makes the reader wish to go on reading. The little vocabulary-helpers are mostly useless.All in all the book is nice to read before you go to bed or as school material, but maybe, if you want to read a really interesting book with an exciting and unexpected end, another book would be better.By the way, the story deals with killing, so the happy ending, when nobody ! dies, is a bit disappointing and unfitting.-------------------------------------by AnnekeOne pact, four teenagers and a dead boyThe book "I know what you did last summer", written by Lous Duncan, is about 4 teenagers who killed a little boy with their car and don't help him - now they must live with the terrible consequences.the main characters are Julie - she was a great cheerleader but after the accident last summer she wants to concentrate more on school; then Ray, her ex-boyfriend who left school and lives in California now, then Helen, who started a career as a "Golden Girl" on TV after last summer, and finally Barry, Helen's boyfriend.In my opinion, the characters are chosen very well, because the four teenagers are all different and they all have their own secrets.The book is easy to read, but there are little riddles in the book which are giving good clues about what is going on - so you must read it very carefully.All in all, this is a good book for school. Sometimes it's boring and some things are superfluous, but there are also many exciting parts.I would recommend it!----------------------------------By MiriamA secret with consequences"The book "I know what you did last summer" by Lois Duncan is about four teenagers who have a terrible secret. They made a pact so that nobody talks about what happened last summer, but now, one year later, they really get into trouble!The main characters are Julie James. She gives up cheerleading and concentrates more on school. Her ex-boyfriend Ry, who went to California after last summer and is now back. Then their are their two friends, Helen, who drops out of school and is now a "Golden Girl" and her boyfriend Ray Cox, the heart-throb and football-hero.In my opinion the characters are very well chosen, they contrast with the sad story.The book is exciting, but sometimes really boring and confusing, expecially when it comes to Bud and Collingworth...-------------------------------by HendrikHow can someone know about the pact?The book "I know what you did last summer", written by Lois Duncan, deals with a pact of four friends after they killed a child.When the four teenagers, Julie, Ray, Barry and Helen came from a party, they drove - drunken - over a child. They didn't help him, instead they fled and only called an ambulance. The friends then made the pact to tell nobody about what had happened.One year later Julie gets a letter with the words "I know what you did last summer" - the teenagers are shocked. The mysterious riddle about who sent the message begins.The book is very exciting. At first the reader is led in a wrong way. There is no real clue about who wrote the message. Is it Helen's Sister? Or Bud? Or Collie?I like the book because there is always something going on. As a reader you are always led in different directions.The book is written in easy English so that you are able to understand it without problems.All in all the book is very recommendable.-----------------------------by FraukeA romantic killing story - without the killing...The book "I know what you did last summer" is just an actionless story with an exciting title.Four pretty and popular teenagers, two girls and two boys, kill an eight-year old child in their summer holidays. A year later they get mysterious letters...So far so good.Then one of the teenagers gets shot and must go to hospital.Everyone is afraid.Nothing special.The action only happens in the last two chapters. But, big surprise, nobody dies.All in all the book is easy to read and easy to undertand, but the story is very obvious. "I know what you did last summer" is a story about friendship and something you can read before falling asleep.Yes, when you look at the cover you think "Wow! Very exciting" A must-read" - but when you begin to read the first sentences you just want to run away, crying.Therefore a big advice: Don't punish yourself with reading this wannabe-horror-book. It's horror for the readers.Don't waste your time with this thing. Trust me, you'll find better books.-------------------------------by LeaAll secrets come out one day!This book, written by Lois Duncan, is about a crime story including four teenagers who killed a little boy, and, instead of helping jum, just drove away. Then they all changed their lives.A year later all the teenagers get strange messages...By solving the secret of the messages the lives of the teenagers get endangered.All in all it's a really great book. From the first page you are IN the story and you want to know what happens next. Many times there are clues and red herrings with which you try to solve the secret but you only find the answers in the very end. So the book has no obvious part.Besides Lois Duncan wrote it in a way that you can read it very easily.But the book is not good for people who are interested only in love-stories. There is a love-story, yes, but it's not the main part.The book is not only good as a school-book, but also for reading in your free time.Finally, this book must be recommended, because it's really wonderful.-----------------------------by FlorianLove, drugs and alcohol ending with deathThe book "I know what you did last summer", written by Lois Duncan in the year 1973, is about four teenagers and their secret about last summer - and now it comes out.The story takes place in America. The four protagonists are called Julie, Helen, Ray and Barry, but other characters, for example Helen's sister Elsa also play important roles.The teenagers have spent almost a year trying to forget the thing they did last summer. They thought that nobody knew about it and made a pact never to tell anyone. They all try to start new lives. But one day Julie receives a letter, containing only seven words: "I know what you did last summer"From the very beginning, the reader wants to know what had happened last summer, and slowly but surely these questions get answered.--------------------------------by BerndThe death-caseThe book "I know what you did last summer" deals about four teenagers who have to live with a complicated situation. The book got published in 1973 and has about 110 pages. The story is about four teenagers who killed a young kid. Because of this two of them get letters from an unknown person, one year later. Later they get in very dangerous situations with this unknown person. Of course there are many characters in the book who become suspects, but there is only one right answer...The reader really has to think about this person - Who is it? Why does he do such bad things? Is there a connection to the accident from last summer?The book is like a big riddle, but it's easy to read.The main characters are Ray, the boy from California, Julie, the girl who stopped cheerleading, Hellen, the pretty TV-show girl and Barry, the football-hero.All in all the story is breath-taking, but in the end there could have been more action.Without the actual ending it's a great book because you as a reader get in the story as a policeman. You can really solve the case on your own.Because of that it's a great book for people who like to play detective.It isn't good for children.It's worthwile to buy it.--------------------------------by AmkeThe book "I know what you did last summer", written by Lois Duncan, is about a group of four teenagers who killed a young boy with their car. They made a pact not to tell it to anybode but then, one year later, Julie gets a letter with the note "I know what you did last summer". So somebody knows what they did - but who is this somebody?The story is not good, because you can't really imagine the feelings of the people. So if someone there is nervous about what happened you don't really want to know it. In my opinion it's a bad book because everything is so strange and has then a so simple solution. It's not interesting to read because you don't want to know what happens next and from who the letter is.The title is interesting and you can imagine very different story lines but this one is really boring. The ending is also not exciting, because no one gets gilled and it is just boring.Recommend it to nobody because nobody should read this stuff.----------------------------------by Tamme4 murder attemptsThe book "I know what you did last summer", written by Lois Duncan in 1973, deals with four American teenagers who try to forget a terrible thing they did last summer. But there is a person who knows about it and wants to take revenge.The story takes place in the USA. The four protagonists are called Julie James, Ray Branson, Helen Rivers and Barry Cox. Julie is in a relationship with Ray and Hellen is together with Barry. Since the night last summer everything has changed. Julie stopped cheerleading to concentrate more in school, Ray went to California for one year to forget about what happened, Helen dropped out of school and got a job as a "Golden Girl" at a TV station and Barry Cox, a handsome football star, went to university.In the beginning the author introduces reader into the story with telling what happened last summer. After that we get to know more about the persons.The book is well written and interesting, because you always want to know who the person from last summer is. The ending could be better. The story lets you think about a murder, but nothing really happens.-----------------------------by LukasNot obvious, not badThe book "I know what you did last summer" was written by Lois Duncan. In this book the four teenagers Julie, Helen, Barry and Ray have to face their past. As the title says they did something last summer. All of them have changed their personality after they killed a little boy called Daniel Gregg. Another important person is Collingworth Wilson, or just Collie. At the surprising end there are no real consequences for them given.The storyline is very good, because of different messages all saying "I know what you did last summer" - Barry even gets shot. With the story they become closer to the family of the dead boy and find out about the shooter.The book is easy to read, because some vocabulary is given. Unfortunately some vocabulary given is really not necessary, for example doorbell, cheerleader and bomb. It's well written, because with the storyline the reader gets to know the "pre-story".All in all, Lois Duncan did a very good job with this book. Although there are negative aspects, the positive ones are stronger. She has mastered the challenge to make book on the one hand unpredictable and on the other hand not too unlogical. We as the readers become witnesses of the unpredictable fantastic storyline of this masterpiece.---------------------------------by BjörnKilling without killingThe book "I know what you did last summer", written by Lois Duncan, is about four people who did a terrible thing last summer and now have to feel the consequences, one year later.The book is really interesting, mysterious and thrilling, and after you know about the pre-history you will devour it, always wanting to know more and so you read on and on and on. The book takes you in its "Bann", you can't get away from it. But of course there are also negative aspects. From the first moment you read the book you know that it's about killing. But the story goes on and nobody gets killed... with the exception of the child whose life someone wants to take revenge on.The book is based on a vocabulary of 1200 words. So it's really good and easy to read. All in all it can be read in one day. It's one of the best books I've ever read, a must-read.---------------------------by ThalkeThe book "I know what you did last summer", written by Lois Duncan, is about four teenagers who had an accident last summer - they drove over a little boy who died. They made a pact which would not allow anyone to talk about this accident. But a year later they all get scary messages which are all about the events from last summer... obviously someone knows what the did...The storyline is very confusing sometimes, so you are never really sure who it is who writes the messages. You also don't really feel with the persons. For example, when one of them is scared, you are not scared and you don't actually want to finish reading the story because you do not care about the people.In my opinion the book isn not very interesting and the storyline is lame. Looking at the title you want to read it but then you get disappointed.---------------------------------by LarsNothing to devour, but to riddleLois Duncan's book "I know what you did last summer" is the story of four teenagers in the time after Vietnam, who had a deadly accident, with dangerous consequences for all of them.The book does the job it has been written for: it improves the reader's skills in the English language. Just sometimes the vocabulary that is given doesn't really help, because often standard words are given, not the difficult ones.The story is all in all good, sometimes a bit boring, but not obvious. You want to try to bring the pieces of the puzzle together, every chapter gives you another red herring, but not the whole information you need.It's a recommendable book for English students who want to improve their reading skills, because it's not too diffult, but also not too easy.---------------------------------by SebastianThe terribly consequences of a lieThe book "I know what you did last summer" is about four teenagers who killed a little child after a party with their car. Later someone tries to kill them...The story has four protagonists, first Julie James. After the accident she tries to convince her friends to help the little child, but they decide against it. Quite the contrary, they make a pact not to tell anyone about what happened. One year later Julie James gets a message with the simple words "I know what you did last summer".Then we have Helen Rivers, she's a "Golden Girl" and vey pretty. She also gets something...Besides we have Barry Cox, Helen's boyfriend, although he's not in love with her. Also he is a football hero and very popular at school. He was the driver of the car in that terrible night. And someone knows it!Finally we have Ray Branson, he was Julie's boyfriend but after the accident he went to California. Very strange is that he doesn't get anything.In my opinion the book is fantastic. The story shows what consequences lies can have. Furthermore the authour has presented a book which is all the time interesting and equally exciting. Also it has a mysterious atmosphere and you always want to know how the whole thing goes on. Therefore you have the feeling you would be one of the protagonists.The book has a good length, but the ending is a bit too abrupt. Here the author should have given more details. All in all, however, it's highly recommendable.
Well I enjoyed this book right up till the ending. How anti climatic can you get? Oh Helen is rummaging through her medicine cabinet to see what she can find to use against her attacker! Cut to Julie's house and the final scene and the sap Ray says in the end. Give me a break! Note, this book was originally published in 75 so a lot of things are so retro that well, kind of makes you laugh compared to the pop culture of today. Still, it gripped me but I was hoping more in the end. Too much sugar coating Lucy darling!
This was a great book it was full of suspense. Like there is one part where Julie asks Ray why one of the three peoeple (Barry, Mr. Cox, and Helen) would be lieing about what happened the night that Barry got shot. But you dont find out who is lieing or why until later on in the story. It is also very wierd (like Ray pointed out in the story) how Megan said that she was home alone because her mother was sick and in a hospital and that her father was staying with her and her brother moved out. So there were no men living in the house, and yet she was pulling newly cleaned men's shirt off of the clothes line when Julie and Ray were over at her house.If there were no men there what was she doing with men's shirts? In this story everyone recieves a sign from the killer; Julie get's a letter in the mail, Ray gets a newspaper clipping, Helen get a picture, and Barry gets shot. This is a great book it was very addicting it was like once you picked it up and started reading you couldn't put it down. I recommend for everyone to go out and get this book and read it, it is a wonderful book.
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